Amherst Regional High School
The Nova Scotia provincial government has adopted a new position on the use of cell phones in public schools. Information about the directive can be found at
ARHS is committed to creating a positive learning environment. To support this provincial directive, which will be in effect for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the following directives with your child(ren) before the start of the school year:
● In all areas of the school, cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight during instructional time unless a teacher instructs the class that they are to be used as part of instruction.
It is important to note that cell phones are not to be used anywhere in the school during instructional time, including hallways and washrooms. Students on ‘free’ periods may use their cell phones in the cafeteria/atrium or library, which are the only areas in the school where students should be on their free periods. Teachers will be discussing cell phone expectations with students during the first days of class each semester.
● Individual Needs: Exceptions to these rules may be made to accommodate students' individual needs, such as medical or ability-related considerations, upon consultation with the Student Planning Team, which includes the family and school-based support team.
● Staff Model Behavior: Our staff will lead by example, refraining from using personal cell phones during class for non-work-related activities.
We believe these measures will help maintain a positive learning environment for all.
The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) is dedicated to creating school environments where children and youth can thrive.
We owe it to our students to do what we can to remove distractions and enable them to be fully present and engaged in the classroom.
Research and experience tell us that there are benefits to limiting access to cell phones and personal mobile devices in schools, including:
For further information about the provincial school directive, please click on the above link. Should you have any questions please reach out to the school administration.
Thank you for your support in sharing this message with your child(ren).
Go Vikings!
Amherst Regional High School
ARHS Updated Cell Phone Directive
To help support the transition to the new Nova Scotia Provincial Cell Phone policy, we have created an updated clarification document to help students and parents navigate the process.
What does this mean for students at our school this year?
▪ Students may still carry a cell phone to and from school if necessary. It is a student/family responsibility and liability if cell phones are brought to school.
▪ During class time the cell phones must be turned off and stored out of sight.
▪ Students are permitted to use their device during breaks and lunch in the cafeteria/atrium and library.
▪ At no time are cell phones permitted in washrooms, hallways and change rooms.
▪ Parents and Guardians will need to call the office 902.661.2540 to pass along important messages.
What happens if a student does not follow these expectations?
▪ The first time a student is found using their device when not permitted, they’ll be reminded and asked to turn it off and put it out of sight.
▪ The second time, they’ll be referred to the office and the device will be left in our office for the class. The teacher will notify the parent/guardian.
▪ The third time, they’ll be referred to the office and the device will be held by administration for the day. Parents or guardians will be contacted by administration to determine next steps and possible consequences.
▪ Non-compliance/refusal to adhere to the directive will be governed using the School Code of Conduct.
Cell phones add considerable convenience to our day-to-day lives. However, we have seen that pervasive use can lead to distractions and concerning mental health outcomes. When appropriate, our school will continue to educate and model appropriate, responsible use. Our staff will also model these expectations by only using personal cell phones when absolutely necessary for work purposes. We are looking forward to partnering with parents and guardians to successfully implement this change in expectations because we believe strongly that it is in everyone’s best interest.
ARHS Administration