Amherst Regional High School
Telephone: 902 661 2540
Website: http://arhs.ccrce.ca/
Hours of Operation: 8:30am-3:30pm
Administrative Staff:
Principal: Aaron Stubbert
Vice-Principal: Patricia Dewar
Vice-Principal: Chris King-Tower
School Mission:
To provide a student-centered learning environment which encourages growth, responsibility, and the achievement of individual potential.
2024-2025 Important Dates
Sept 5
First day for students
Oct 11
Chignecto Schools PD
- no classes for students
Oct 25
PD Day - No classes for students
Nov 18-28
Report cards distributed
Dec 5
PD and Progress meetings
- no classes for students
Dec 23- Jan 1
Holiday Break - Classes resume Jan 3
Jan 27-30
Culminating Assessments GR 10-12
Jan 31
No classes for students (secondary)
Feb 4-14
Report cards distributed
Mar 10-14
Spring Break
Apr 3
High School PD: No Classes
Apr 22-May 1
Report cards distributed
Apr 30
PD & Progress meetings - no classes for students (secondary only)
Jun 19-25
Culminating Assessments GR 10-12
Jun 26-27
Assessment and Evaluation Days
-No classes for students
Jun 30
Report cards distributed
A complete list of Amherst Regional High School’s 2024-2025 calendar of events is in the ARHS Handbook. Other events will be posted on Amherst Regional High School’s Facebook page and webpage. Notices will be posted on the ARHS webpage and sent through Powerschool Messenger.
Principal’s Message
Clear communication is vital for parents, students, and the school community to work together for academic success for all Amherst Regional High School students. With this in mind please keep a copy of our communication plan along with the communication plans sent home or given to students through Google Classroom by individual teachers. This document provides you an overview of how we will stay in contact with you, and you with us. Please feel free to call, write or drop by anytime if you have a concern. Our 2024-25 ARHS Handbook will also be available to parents/guardians through Powerschool Messenger.
School Advisory Council
ARHS School Advisory Council will meet bi-monthly. Dates and times will be determined at the end of each SAC meeting. These could also be determined based on necessity or situation. Agenda items should be given to Administration by the last Monday of each month. The public is welcome to attend all meetings. All meeting minutes and agendas are posted on the ARHS webpage.
Assessment and Evaluation
Teachers plan, assess and evaluate student learning against Department of Education and Early Childhood Development expected learning outcomes. Expected learning outcomes are statements describing what students are to know, show and do in each subject/course.
Parental/Guardian Concerns
If you have questions regarding student progress (including a review of student assessment results) and /or well-being, we have established guidelines for having your questions addressed at the school level. The following is a list of recommended steps for you to follow to ensure your child’s needs are met:
1. Talk to your child.
2. Contact your child’s teacher.
3. Contact the school vice-principal or principal.
4. If the concern cannot be adequately addressed in steps 1 to 3, the school may arrange a meeting with the parent, teacher(s) and administration.
A process has been put in place to ensure parents/ guardians receive prompt response to questions or concerns that cannot be resolved at the school level. If you feel an issue has not been resolved, the CCRCE Parental Concern Referral Form is available through the main office or on the Parent Concern Process page of the CCRCE website https://www.ccrce.ca/ .
School Procedures
Communication with Students/Families
School wide communication is shared through our school website, Powerschool Messenger, parent email, social media sites, student handbook.
Periodically, Amherst Regional High School will contact parents with key pieces of information via the School Messenger System. This will phone, text or email parents, depending on their preference selected on the student registration form.
Individual student information is shared through student agenda’s, emails, phone calls, meetings, and the PS Student-Parent Portal. The PS Student-Parent Portal is a secure site that allows parents to access their child’s in-progress marks as well as attendance information. If you require a username or password to log into the portal, please contact the school.
Expectations for Student Success at School
Students are responsible for participating in their learning. Students are encouraged to discuss with their teacher what they have learned and what they have yet to learn. Discussion may also include due dates, negotiate extensions and re-submitting work. The process for incomplete assessments will follow the EECD Process for Classroom Assessment Due Dates and Extensions.
ARHS will be following the 2022 Nova Scotia Assessment Policy which incorporates the use of course communication plans, Google classroom and in person conversations. These forms allow communication and procedures of assessment deadlines and/or incomplete work. Teachers will also follow up with students and parents.
Attendance and Reporting a Student Absence
We want to see our students succeed and we know that student success is linked to regular attendance in school. ARHS will follow the EECD Attendance and Engagement Policy to support student success through conversations with students, parents and guardians. ARHS is also a pilot school for the Safe Arrival Program which will be put in place to support real time student attendance.
NS EECD Homework Policy.
The purpose of homework is to practice and reinforce what has been taught in school. Students are encouraged to complete homework as assigned. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the classroom teacher.
School Cancellation and Early Dismissal
CCRCE will communicate through social media https://www.ccrce.ca/ and local radio publications school cancellations. ARHS will also post on our ARHS Facebook site school cancellations or delays. Early Dismissal will be communicated to families through social media sites and Powerschool Messenger services.
School Wide Support for Students
Information about the process of identification, assessment, referral and program planning for students through the Student Planning Team.
All teaching staff will work together to provide the necessary support for students by providing opportunities for increased student success. At Amherst Regional High School, we will provide students with the following supports:
- Relational Approach
- Guidance Counselor Support
- Learning Center
- Schools Plus
- Adolescent Outreach
- Public Health Nurse