ARHS Electronic Device Policy

Cameras, Cellular Telephones, Electronic Devices 

Privacy must be respected at all times. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used in any instructional area during instructional time unless directed or instructed by a teacher. While students are scheduled to be in class their cell phones and electronic devices are to be out of sight

Parents and family members are asked to contact the main office if they need to get in touch with a student during instructional time. 

If the student refuses to follow the teachers instructions in regards to phone usage, students will be asked to either leave the classroom and report to the main office or an administrator will be called to the classroom. 

Cell phone or electronic device policy violations are dealt with by administration in the following manner: 

Administration Possible Actions: 

If a student refuses to follow the classroom expectation, the cell phone or electronic device is taken by administration. The student may retrieve it from the office at the end of the school day after administration has spoken to the student or parent about next steps. 

Repeated offences could result in a parent or guardian coming to the school to retrieve the device.

If the student continues to refuse to follow the electronic device process or becomes a continued issue of defiance, the student may receive an in-school or out of school suspension. 


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