2022 Local Scholarship Applications (Updated March 1, 2022)

Local Scholarship and Bursary Applications are now available!

Go to: www.arhs.ccrce.ca

Look under tab: Guidance Office

Choose: Grads of 2022

Choose: Local Scholarships


You will find the full Scholarship Booklet 2022 (You can use as an electronic copy only or if needed you can request a hard copy in the Main Office)

There are (2) other booklets provided by the DBDLI (Delmore "Buddy" Daye Learning Institute) for African Nova Scotians/Canadians and the Native Council of Nova Scotia.


Each application .pdf can be filled out electronically using "Fill & Sign" or printed and completed by hand.

Note: Electronic applications are preferred.

To complete by hand, print the desired applications from the .pdf. If that is not possible for you to print, hard copies of these applications can be made available in the Main Office, by request.

To complete and submit electronically, email to an Administrative Assistant: Tammy ([email protected]) or Amy ([email protected]). For those requiring delivery directions other than the "main office", the Admin. Assistants will print them and return them to you for delivery.

NOTE: Deadline for MOST awards is May 6, 2022 ---BUT--- please be aware of those having earlier deadline date.

NOTE: Most are returned in at the main office ---BUT--- some have other delivery instructions. Please follow delivery instructions explicitly.

Good luck :-)

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